SMS scnews item created by Alex Sherman at Mon 13 Nov 2023 1123
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 12 Feb 2024
Calendar1: 17 Nov 2023 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Carslaw 173
CalTitle1: Algebra Seminar: Logarithmic Kazhdan--Lusztig correspondences
Auth: (ashe8718) in SMS-SAML

Algebra Seminar: David Ridout -- Logarithmic Kazhdan--Lusztig correspondences

David Ridout (University of Melbourne) is speaking in the Algebra Seminar this week.  We
will go out for lunch after the talk.  

When: Friday 17 November, 12-1pm 

Where: Carslaw 173 

Title: Logarithmic Kazhdan--Lusztig correspondences 

Abstract: The Kazhdan--Lusztig correspondence is an equivalence of braided tensor
categories dating back to a series of papers that appeared in JAMS from 1993-94.  On one
side is a category of representations of an untwisted affine Kac--Moody algebra,
equipped with the fusion product of conformal field theory, and the other is a category
of representations of an associated quantum group, equipped with the usual tensor

It is natural to replace ``untwisted affine Kac--Moody algebra'' with ``affine vertex
operator algebra''.  Work in this direction originally concentrated on cases in which
there is a natural VOA category that is finite and semisimple.  However, the quantum
group category is neither, unless one artificially semisimplifies.  Today, I'd like to
say a few words about what can say (and do) if we don't semisimplify.

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