REMINDER (21 June 2019): The deadline for applications in the current round of the SMRI International Visitor Program is now just over 5 weeks away, on Sunday 28 July 2019. Please spread the word among your collaborative networks and encourage international colleagues to apply for funding to visit the University of Sydney (and other Australian universities as well if they wish) in the period April-December 2020. See the full details below or go to . Anthony ----- Another round of the SMRI International Visitor Program is now open. This round is for visits in the period April - December 2020 (overlapping the period of the previous round), and the deadline for potential visitors to apply is 11.59pm (Sydney time) on Sunday 28 July 2019. The application form is on the SMRI webpage (see the link "Apply for the program"): Please see the detailed terms and conditions at the above page, and encourage international researchers in any area of the Mathematical Sciences (two-digit code 01) who may want to visit Australia to apply. Since feedback showed that last round's requirement to ask for reference letters to be sent in advance was deterring potential applicants, we have changed back to the previous system where applicants nominate two referees whom the committee may consult if required. This will mean that the outcomes of the next round will probably be announced in mid-September. As the International Visitor Program processes are now becoming better established, this round is open for much longer than previous rounds, but presumably most applications will still arrive close to the deadline. I will post a reminder towards the end of Semester 1. The long lead-time should allow for wider advertisement, as well as a more considered discussion of applications which may require special permission from me for not strictly meeting one of the stated conditions. If you have any suggestions for forums in which to advertise the IVP, especially to researchers who do not have a pre-existing collaboration with an Australian host, please let me and Kate know by emailing . Anthony