SMS scnews item created by Anthony Henderson at Mon 29 Jul 2019 1220
Type: Seminar
Modified: Fri 2 Aug 2019 0954
Distribution: World
Expiry: 2 Aug 2019
Calendar1: 2 Aug 2019 1105-1255
CalLoc1: Quad Room S418
CalTitle1: SMRI Seminar: Parusinski - New methods of real algebraic geometry
Auth: anthonyh@ (ahen2753) in SMS-SAML

SMRI Seminar: Parusinski -- New methods of real algebraic geometry

UPDATE (2 August): We have moved this talk to the room next door, Quadrangle Room S418.


This semester we will run a somewhat irregular SMRI seminar series, in which SMRI
visiting researchers will speak about their own research or other topics of interest,
complementing their contributions to the School's existing seminar series.  We will
experiment with some venues in the Quadrangle as well as more customary locations.  All
are welcome, and please send feedback on the series to me at .  

The first speaker in this SMRI seminar will be former School staff member Adam
Parusinski, details below.  Adam will also speak about a different topic in the Geometry
& Topology seminar on 19 August.  



Speaker: Adam Parusinski (University of Nice) 

Date: Friday 2 August 2019 

Time: 11.05am - 12.55pm (with a break in the middle) 

Venue: Quadrangle Room S418, in the corner of the quadrangle closest to Carslaw (i.e.
the one with the jacaranda tree), up a flight of stairs from ground level.  

Title: New methods of real algebraic geometry: continuous rational functions and
arc-analytic geometry 


We give a fairly elementary introduction to two recent techniques specific to real
algebraic geometry.  Continuous rational functions were introduced recently
independently by W.  Kucharz, J.  Kollar, and G.  Fichou, J.  Huisman, F.  Mangolte, and
J.-P.  Monnier.  The arc-analytic functions form a wider class, in particular, every
rational continuous function is arc-analytic.  The arc-analytic functions and related
arc-symmetric sets were introduced by K.  Kurdyka.  

We discuss some recently obtained results on equisingularity, additive invariants and
motivic integration, approximation of continuous maps, and classification of vector

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