UPDATE: the time has changed to 4pm in order to avoid clashing with the Strategic Planning Day. Also the seminar is on Tuesday 8 November, not the 4th as indicated. There will be a special Algebra Seminar next Tuesday 8 November, given by Bill Casselman. Note the unusual day, time and venue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speaker: Bill Casselman (University of British Columbia) Date: Tuesday 8 November Time: 4:05-4:55pm Venue: Carslaw 273 Title: Problems in Kac-Moody algebras and Coxeter groups Abstract: This will be an update on the talk given in 2006: http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/AlgebraSeminar/06abstracts/casselman.html The list of unsolved problems has increased but the list of solutions hasn't changed much. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anne Thomas - anne.thomas@sydney.edu.au Seminar website - http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/AlgebraSeminar/