SMS scnews item created by Bregje Pauwels at Tue 9 May 2023 1620
Type: Seminar
Modified: Fri 12 May 2023 0853; Mon 15 May 2023 1512; Mon 5 Jun 2023 1139
Distribution: World
Expiry: 5 Dec 2023
Calendar1: 12 May 2023 0900-1100
CalLoc1: Quad: SMRI terrace
CalTitle1: Informal Friday Seminar: The moduli space of algebraic curves I (Baine)
Calendar2: 9 Jun 2023 0900-1100
CalLoc2: Carslaw 830 or SMRI terrace
CalTitle2: Informal Friday Seminar: The moduli space of algebraic curves II (Baine)
Auth: (bpau3522) in SMS-SAML

Informal Friday Seminar: Baine -- The moduli space of algebraic curves

This week's IFS speaker is Joseph Baine, who will give two talks on the
moduli space of algebraic curves.  We will either meet in Carslaw 830 as usual or on the
SMRI terrace like in the good old days, TBA.  

Time and Date: Friday, 12 and 9 June, 9-11am 

Location: Carslaw 830 or the SMRI terrace, and online 

Zoom link: 

Title: The moduli space of algebraic curves 

Abstract: These talks will provide a gentle introduction to the moduli space of
algebraic curves, some aspects of their beautiful geometry and the result that the
moduli space of stable curves of genus g>= 2 is a smooth, proper, and irreducible
Deligne-Mumford stack of dimension 3g-3 admitting a projective, coarse moduli space.

Reminder: This semester we will cover several topics in the IFS, spending around two
weeks with every speaker.  As usual, the goal of the seminar is to give the flavour of
the subject, not all the nitty gritty details.  Questions and sidebars are encouraged,
and well emphasise examples, intuition, tools and historical diversions.  The talks
are intended to be conversational, so come ready to engage! 
The website remains 

If you would like to give a talk in the IFS, please write to me and let me know what
dates you would prefer.  We're looking for topics related to the working group's
research area but not directly in it.  The speaker could be an expert or may have just
started learning the topic themselves.

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