We are delighted to welcome a very distinguished speaker for a special colloquium: (note special day and time) Gang Tian (Princeton) Curvature flows and complex geometry, 275 Carslaw, Monday 20th July 12-1 PM. In this general talk, I will discuss how curvature flows can be applied to studying complex geometric problems. I will show interactions between singularity formation of curvature flows and classification of algebraic manifolds. I will also discuss some open analytic problems which arise from geometric applications. We will go afterwards for lunch at the Forum restaurant. If you plan to join the lunch, please RSVP to carberry@maths.usyd.edu.au, as the restaurant tells me it's essential for them to have accurate information regarding numbers. Prof Tian is a Veblen prize winner and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is known for his work on KählerEinstein metrics, moduli spaces of maps of curves, and on the Poincare conjecture.