SMS scnews item created by Emma Carberry at Fri 12 Nov 2010 2358
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 19 Nov 2010
Calendar1: 19 Nov 2010 1400-1500
CalLoc1: Room OMB 145, Old Main Building, UNSW
Auth: (carberry) in SMS-WASM

Joint Colloquium: Zhang -- Introduction to Ricci flow

___________________JOINT COLLOQUIUM______________________ 

If you wish to join the group
going across to UNSW by taxi for Zhou's talk, please e-mail me by Thursday evening.  We will meet at 12 PM just inside the
city Road entrance to Sydney University to catch the taxi, and will meet our colleagues
at UNSW under the fig tree outside the red centre at 12:30 PM.  

Speaker: Dr.  Zhou Zhang (University of Sydney) 

Title: Introduction to Ricci flow 

Date: Friday, 19 November, 2010 Time: 14:00 Venue: Room OMB 145, Old Main Building, UNSW 

Introduction to Ricci flow 

Abstract: In this expository talk aiming at general audience, we begin with some basic
facts regarding the Ricci flow and its complex version, the Kähler-Ricci flow.  Then we
look into a few very natural questions that people might ask when coming across these
objects for the first time.  In fact, after the invention of the Ricci flow by R.
Hamilton almost thirty years ago and intensive work by many people since then, we are
still trying to answer those questions, of course, with quite some success along the

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