SMS scnews item created by Alex Casella at Mon 18 Apr 2016 0917
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 18 Jul 2016
Calendar1: 18 Apr 2016 1700-1800
CalLoc1: Carslaw 535A
CalTitle1: MaPSS Seminar
Auth: casella@ (acas5565) in SMS-WASM

MaPSS: Mathematical Postgraduate Seminar Series: Alexander Kerschl -- Young tableaux and their application in the representation theory of the symmetric group

Dear All, 

We are delighted to present the MaPSS Seminar topic of Monday 4th April; please see the
abstract below.  

**From this Semester the Seminar will always run on Monday, at 5:00pm in 535A** 

Following the talk, there will be pizza on offer.  

Speaker: Alexander Kerschl ( Sydney University ) 

Title: Young tableaux and their application in the representation theory of the
symmetric group 

Abstract: The aim of this talk is to introduce Young tableaux and study their
combinatorial properties. Ultimately aiming to use them to describe the representation
theory of the symmetric group over the complex numbers.  If there is enough time I'll
outline other applications and properties of Young tableaux as well.  

Supervisors, please encourage your students to attend.  

MaPSS Organizers

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