SMS scnews item created by Alex Casella at Tue 19 Jul 2016 0956
Type: Announce
Distribution: World
Expiry: 18 Oct 2016
Auth: casella@ (acas5565) in SMS-WASM

MaPSS Seminar is back again!

Dear all, 

With the beginning of a new semester, MaPSS, the Mathematical Postgraduate Seminar
Series, is back again---every Monday from the 25th of July till the end of Semester 2,
in Room 535A Carslaw at 5.00pm.  

MaPSS is a great opportunity to hear about mathematics familiar, foreign, old, and new.
Since it is run by your postgraduate peers, MaPSS is also a friendly space to meet and
talk maths with fellow students.  MaPSS especially affords PhD and Masters candidates an
opportunity, in the absence of regular coursework, to maintain a broad overview of
mathematics while focussing on their thesis subject.  

MaPSS extends an invitation to every graduate and Honors student to give a talk.  It's
a great chance to train your presentation skills, introduce yourself to fellow students,
and speak a little bit about what you study.  

The quality of the Seminar depends critically not only on the speakers but also on its
audience.  So give it a go and help us make it better for the benefit of everyone! 

 ********** There's also free pizza.  ********** 

MaPSS Organisers

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