SMS scnews item created by Joshua Ciappara at Tue 1 Sep 2020 1430
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 31 Dec 2020
Calendar1: 2 Sep 2020 1500-1615
CalLoc1: Zoom webinar
CalTitle1: The K-theory functor
Auth: ciappara@ (jcia6420) in SMS-LDAP

Student Algebra Seminar: Baine -- The K-theory functor

Joe Baine will give the Seminar's third talk in Semester 2 tomorrow afternoon on Zoom.
Please find the details below.  Anyone desiring to attend the talk or join the mailing
list is warmly invited to get in touch:  

Title: The K-theory functor 

Abstract: In this talk we will see how to associate a r(i)ng structure to equivalence
classes of complex vector bundles on a compact hausdorff space.  We begin by revisiting
the direct sum and tensor product constructions, which will define our addition and
multiplication respectively.  We then prove functorial properties of K and ~K.  Finally
we will sketch the proof of the fundamental product theorem.  

Time and date: 3 pm Wednesday* 02 September 

Seminar website: 

*Now the Seminar's permanent weekly time-slot for Semester 2.

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