SMS scnews item created by Joshua Ciappara at Wed 19 Aug 2020 1131
Type: Seminar
Modified: Tue 1 Sep 2020 1436
Distribution: World
Expiry: 31 Dec 2020
Calendar1: 21 Aug 2020 1000-1120
CalLoc1: Zoom webinar
Auth: ciappara@ (jcia6420) in SMS-LDAP

Student Algebra Seminar: Ciappara -- Introduction to vector bundles

This talk will take place on Zoom.  Please contact for the
link or to be added to the Seminar's mailing list.  

Abstract: The talk will closely follow the first chapter of Hatcher's book on
topological K-theory.  To begin, we will motivate vector bundles and give an overview of
the Seminar's theme this semester.  We will then cover foundational definitions,
terminology, and standard examples from topology, including vector bundles on spheres
and tangent bundles associated to smooth manifolds.  Sections of bundles and standard
constructions such as direct sums, inner products, and tensor products will also be

Time: 10 am -- 11:20 am, 21 August 

Seminar website:

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