SMS scnews item created by Joshua Ciappara at Tue 16 Mar 2021 2319
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 31 Dec 2021
Calendar1: 17 Mar 2021 1400-1500
CalLoc1: Zoom webinar
Auth: (jcia6420) in SMS-SAML

Student Algebra Seminar: Pauwels -- Triangulated categories

Bregje Pauwels will give the Seminar's first talk for Semester 1 tomorrow afternoon on
Zoom.  Please find the details below.  Anyone who would like to attend the talk or join
the mailing list is warmly invited to e-mail  

Title: Triangulated categories 

Abstract: In this first talk I will talk about triangulated categories and derived
categories, focusing on examples rather than listing axioms one by one.  I will also try
to outline where we're going next, and what we need to learn before we get there.  If
you want to read along, I will probably cover most of 1.1-1.2 in BBD, or equivalently
appendix A.1-A.5 in in Pramod Achar's book, or some of chapter two in Chambert-Loir's

Time and date: 2 pm, Wednesday 17 March

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