SMS scnews item created by Joshua Ciappara at Mon 14 Jun 2021 1732
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 31 Dec 2021
Calendar1: 15 Jun 2021 1100-1200
CalLoc1: Zoom webinar
Auth: ciappara@ (jcia6420) in SMS-SAML

Student Algebra Seminar: Pauwels -- Springer theory

Bregje will give the Seminar's eleventh talk for Semester 1 tomorrow morning on Zoom.
Please find the details below.  Anyone who would like to attend the talk or join the
mailing list is warmly invited to e-mail  

Abstract: Given a reductive algebraic group, Springer constructed an action of the Weyl
group W on the cohomology of certain closed subvarieties of the flag variety.  Since
then, Springer's work has been reinterpreted in the language of perverse sheaves: the
Springer correspondence is a bijection between irreducible representations of W and
(certain) simple perverse sheaves on the nilpotent cone.  The goal of this talk is to
explain this correspondence.  

Time and date: 11 am Tuesday 15 June.

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