SMS scnews item created by David Easdown at Wed 17 Apr 2019 1052
Type: Meeting
Modified: Wed 17 Apr 2019 1058; Wed 17 Apr 2019 1747; Thu 9 May 2019 1005
Distribution: World
Expiry: 13 May 2019
Calendar1: 13 May 2019 1015-1145
CalLoc1: F23 Auditorium 1 (level 1)
Auth: (deas8489) in SMS-WASM

Women in Mathematics Panel Discussion 13th May (NEW: Jacqui's talk at 5 pm)

People around the world will be celebrating Women in Mathematics Day on 12 May, in honour of the birthday of Maryam Mirzakhani, the first female Fields Medallist (who sadly passed away in 2017 at just 40 years of age).

Now, 12 May is a Sunday, but the School of Mathematics and Statistics is organising an event during the morning of Monday 13 May, including an interactive panel discussion about issues facing women in mathematics.

The panel discussion will take place in Auditorium 1 (level 1) of the Administration Building (F23), which is located close to the City Road frontage of the University of Sydney, near the Forum Restaurant, and just a minute's walk from the Carslaw Building.

The order of events is planned as follows

The morning discussion will be moderated by Anne Thomas.

Panelists include Becky Armstrong, Lamiae Azizi, Emma Carberry, Zsuzsanna Dancso, Pantea Pooladvand, Milena Radnovic, Sarah Romanes, Sharon Stephen and Rachel Wang.

The panelists will introduce a range of issues and perspectives based on their individual experiences as women in mathematics. Discussion then opens up to include comments and questions from the audience, with opportunities for any of the panelists to respond, comment or share thoughts and insights.

All undergraduates, postgraduates and staff from around the University of Sydney, and their friends, are most welcome to participate.

To gauge numbers for catering purposes, please email Noella Lopez ( by Thursday 9 May if you would like to have morning tea and/or participate in the luncheon after the discussion, indicating any dietary requirements.

David Easdown (,
on behalf of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee,
School of Mathematics and Statistics

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