SMS scnews item created by Daniel Hauer at Wed 22 May 2024 1823
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 24 May 2024
Calendar1: 24 May 2024 1700-1800
CalLoc1: Zoom webinar
CalTitle1: Nazaret's proof of the sharp constant in the Sobolev-trace inequality
Auth: (dhauer) in SMS-SAML

Analysis and PDE Working Seminar: Jingjing Ma (visiting PhD student, Shaanxi Normal University, China) -- Nazaret's proof of the sharp constant in the trace Sobolev inequality

Dear friends and colleagues, 

on Friday, 24 May 2024, at 5 pm is Ms Jingjing Ma (visiting PhD student from Shaanxi
Normal University, China) giving a talk on her current research in our "working seminar
in Analysis and PDEs".  

This presentation is organsided via a Zoom meeting: 

Meeting-ID: 881 3897 4950 

Title: Nazaret's proof of the sharp constant in a trace-Sobolev inequality 

Abstract: In this presentation, we will see the fine tools of optimal transportation in
order to derive the sharp constant in the classical trace Sobolev inequality.  I will
outline all details of the proof.  Thus, the talk is proceeding slowly but in all

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