SMS scnews item created by Holger Dullin at Fri 28 Aug 2009 1037
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 3 Sep 2009
Calendar1: 2 Sep 2009 1400-1500
CalLoc1: Eastern Avenue Lecture Theatre

Applied Maths Seminar: Pushnitski -- A new identity in scattering theory in Hamiltonian mechanics

Alexander Pushnitski, King's College London 

A new identity in scattering theory in Hamiltonian mechanics 

Wednesday 2nd Sep 14:05-14:55pm, Eastern Avenue Lecture Theatre.  

This is a joint work with Vladimir Buslaev (St.Petersburg).  In this talk, I will survey
the basic notions of scattering theory in Hamiltonian mechanics and define the Poincare
scattering map.  I will emphasise the analogies between scattering theory in Hamiltonian
mechanics and quantum scattering theory.  I will also discuss a certain new identity in
Hamiltonian mechanics which is analogous to the Birman-Krein formula in quantum
scattering theory.  This identity is stated using the language of symplectic geometry
and involves the Calabi invariant of the Poincare scattering map.  

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