SMS scnews item created by John Enyang at Tue 27 Nov 2012 1041
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 1 Dec 2012
Calendar1: 30 Nov 2012 1205-1255
CalLoc1: Carslaw 173
Auth: enyang@penyang.pc (assumed)

Algebra Seminar

Invariants for representations (following Quillen's equivariant cohomology)


Friday 30th November, 12:05--12:55pm, Carslaw 173


Eric Friedlander (University of Southern California)


Invariants for representations (following Quillen's equivariant cohomology)


In back-to-back papers in Annals 1971, Dan Quillen formulated equivariant cohomology theory to give an explicit description of the spectrum of the cohomology of a finite group. Quillen's introduction of algebraic geometry to group cohomology has led to support varieties of modular representations and structural results about the stable module category for finite groups. We describe how cohomology has somewhat receded from the scene, how methods evolving from Quillen's work apply to other module categories, how support varieties admit refinements, and how algebraic vector bundles arise from special classes of modules. This talk will touch upon collaborations over the years with Brian Parshall, Andrei Suslin, Chris Bendel, Jon Carlson, and especially Julia Pevtsova.


After the seminar we will take the speaker to lunch at the Grandstand.

See the Algebra Seminar web page for information about other seminars in the series.

John Enyang

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