SMS scnews item created by Eric Hester at Mon 9 Apr 2018 1142
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 4 Jun 2018
Calendar1: 9 Apr 2018 1700-1800
CalLoc1: Carslaw 535A
CalTitle1: Timid frogs and hyperbolic magnets are isomorphic
Auth: erich@ (ehes5653) in SMS-WASM

MaPSS: Maths Postgraduate Seminar Series: Swan -- Timid frogs and hyperbolic magnets are isomorphic

Hello all, 

The next MaPSS seminar will be held on Monday, the 9th of April at 17:00 in Carslaw
535.  It's a great opportunity to see an interesting talk, meet some fellow postgrads,
and get some free pizza and soft drink.  


Speaker: Andrew Swan (The University of Sydney) 

Title: Timid frogs and hyperbolic magnets are isomorphic

Abstract: The aim of this talk will be to make sense of the title. 
To be less cryptic: I wish to outline a few recent results concerning a precise 
but strange connection between random walks (frogs) and supersymmetric 
sigma models (magnets), two classes of object which on the face of things are 
completely unrelated. Using this connection, we can transfer problems concerning 
walks into problems concerning magnets, allowing us to prove that the vertex 
reinforced jump process is recurrent in two dimensions. 
This talk is based on joint work with Roland Bauerschmidt 
and Tyler Helmuth (see


See you there!

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