SMS scnews item created by Eric Hester at Thu 9 May 2019 0937
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 8 Aug 2019
Calendar1: 13 May 2019 1700-1900
CalLoc1: Carslaw LT 157
CalTitle1: My Life in Maths
Auth: erich@ (ehes5653) in SMS-WASM

MaPSS: Maths Postgraduate Seminar Series: Jacqui Ramagge -- My Life in Maths

Hello all, 

We have a very special MaPSS talk planned for next week! As part of the International
Day of Women in Maths (held on May 12th, the birthday of Maryam Mirzakhani), our very
own Head of School, Jacqui Ramagge, will be giving a talk about her life as a
mathematician.  It will be held at 17:00 on Monday May 13th in Carslaw Lecture theatre
157.  Notice the venue change! To find out more about other events held as part of the
International Day of Women in Maths, visit 


Speaker: Jacqui Ramagge 

Title: My Life in Maths 

Abstract: The reading of a play in three acts outlining my life as a mathematician.  It
will be the story of my life since I started studying mathematics at university
punctuated by the statement of some theorems related to the mathematics I was doing at
various times and with a summary of life learnings from the experiences to date.  


See you there! 

Details can also be found on the school's Postgraduate Society website: 

Cheers, Eric

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