SMS scnews item created by Gareth White at Thu 14 Aug 2008 0855
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 15 Aug 2008
Calendar1: 15 Aug 2008 1300-1400
CalLoc1: Carslaw 452

SUMS: Ramos -- Challenges in Spatial Stochastic Processes

Hello everyone,

Thanks to everyone who turned up to Alex's talk last Friday, there are still 
copies of his article left if anyone would like one. Also, apologies for the 
room confusion on Friday, as it turns out I've actually booked Room 452 for 
the rest of the semester and did not realise this until the day of the talk. 
It's not a problem though, as room 452 has the same facilities, but that's now 
where we will be having our meetings this semester.

This week we have another special talk, this time from somebody in the 
Engineering Faculty, or more accurately the Australian Centre for Field 
Robotics. He will be talking about Challenges in Spatial Stochastic Processes. 
For those unfamiliar with statistics, a stochastic process is a statistical 
model similar to Markov chains (which were talked about in a talk last 
semester), and have many interesting applications. I don't think I can do 
justice to this area of mathematics in a single email, so if you want to hear 
more, please come to the talk.

Title: Challenges in Spatial Stochastic Processes
Speaker: Fabio Ramos
Location: Carslaw 452
Date/time: Friday 15 August, 1-2pm 


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