SMS scnews item created by Gareth White at Thu 8 May 2008 0945
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 9 May 2008
Calendar1: 9 May 2008 1300-1400
CalLoc1: Carslaw 451

SUMS Meeting -- Cards (no talk this week)

Thanks to all those who turned up to Jonathan's talk last Friday, we had a 
turnout of almost 40 people at one point! As such, due to the sheer 
awesomeness that it was, nobody seems to be game enough to follow it up with 
a talk this week.

So this week we're taking another small break from the talks. Instead, this 
Friday will be cards day. In other words, we'll be pretty much playing card 
games for an hour.

Any card games can be played, be it Poker, Bartog, 500, or even that 3-card 
version of Poker that Jonathan mentioned last week! (But no betting actual 
money please, maths students aren't meant to be all that rich!!!)

Also, there are a couple of short, amusing maths films that I have seen and 
wish to show. You may have already seen them before, but regardless I think 
you will like them.

Also, for those of you who have friends that only find out about SUMS via 
the couple of posters that we put up around the Carslaw building, we won't 
be putting up any posters this week. Firstly, because it is difficult to 
create a poster for just playing cards, and secondly because we (as in the 
executives) want to see if the posters actually affect the turnout. And 
also, we can't be bothered with the posters this week.

Anyway, feel free to come along, it should be pretty fun!


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