SMS scnews item created by Gareth White at Thu 1 May 2008 1700
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 2 May 2008
Calendar1: 2 May 2008 1300-1400
CalLoc1: Carslaw 451

SUMS Meeting: Sun -- The Mathematics of Poker

Hello interested people,

I hope you all enjoyed the extra long weekend last week. Oh, and I hope 
everybody realised that there was no SUMS meeting last week, because the Uni 
was closed for holiday. Apparently it was Anzac Day.

Oh well, this week we have another talk by a postgraduate student, Jonathan 
Sun. Jonathan's main research (something in algebra) is so complex hard to 
grasp that he couldn't possibly explain it in an hour, so instead he'll be 
talking about something a little bit more familiar: Poker.

He doesn't seem to have an abstract at the moment, but after pressing him for 
details, I have the following information:
- It's on the card game, poker
- The talk will be also be delving into game theory in general
- Apparently poker consists of a lot of mathematics, he'll be looking at the 
more interesting aspects.
If you want more info, feel free to contact Jonathan (either through me or 
directly to him if you can find his email address). Or even better, come to 
the talk this Friday!

Talk: The mathematics of Poker
Speaker: Jonathan Sun
Location: Carslaw 451
When: Friday, May 2, 1-2pm

Hope to see you there,

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