SMS scnews item created by Sean Gasiorek at Sun 7 Mar 2021 2213
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 4 Apr 2021
Calendar1: 12 Mar 2021 1400-1500
CalLoc1: Zoom webinar
Auth: gasiorek@ (sgas7480) in SMS-SAML

Sydney Dynamics Group: Richard Montgomery -- Some open questions in the N-body problem

Dear colleagues, 

Welcome to the start of SDG 2021! As the new school year gets underway, I have two
orders of business to address.  

First: This week, Friday, 12 March, Richard Montgomery (University of California Santa
Cruz) will give a talk at 2pm (Sydney time) via Zoom.  

Zoom link: 

Meeting ID: 871 2557 0381 

Title: Some open questions in the N-body problem 

Abstract: The classical N-body problem, despite being 333 years old, is alive and well.
I will begin with a pictorial survey of a few solution curves.  I then state ``the
problem'' and describe between two and four open questions within the problem and survey
of recent progress on them.  

Past talks can be found on the YouTube channel: 

Second: As the new year rolls on, often a new cohort of postgraduates, postdocs, and
researchers have started at your respective universities.  I want to encourage all of
you to forward this email to interested parties and to contact me with any names that
should be added (or removed – no hard feelings) from the SDG mailing list.  

I look forward to seeing you all online later this week.  



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