SMS scnews item created by Hannah Bryant at Tue 23 Aug 2022 1406
Type: Deadline
Modified: Tue 23 Aug 2022 1406; Tue 23 Aug 2022 1406; Tue 23 Aug 2022 1409
Distribution: World
Expiry: 22 Sep 2022
Calendar1: 13 Sep 2022
Auth: (hbry8683) in SMS-SAML

Applications deadline 13 Sept - Postdoctoral Fellow - Pure Mathematics - University of NSW

Postdoctoral Fellow - Pure Mathematics 

Job no: 510962 
Work type: Full time 
Location: Sydney, NSW 
Categories: Post Doctoral Research Associate 

One of Australia's leading research & teaching universities 
Vibrant campus life with a strong sense of community & inclusion 
Enjoy a career that makes a difference by collaborating & learning from the best 

At UNSW, we pride ourselves on being a workplace where the best people come to do their
best work.  


The School of Mathematics and Statistics currently has more than sixty continuing
academic staff and more than thirty research staff as well as visiting academics.  UNSW
is the top university in Australia for mathematics across the CWTS Leiden, ARWU, USNews,
and QS rankings.  In Pure Mathematics, the School has particular research strengths in
Algebra, Analysis, Combinatorics, Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Number Theory.
More broadly, the School also has research strengths in Mathematical Modelling and
Biomathematics, Computational Mathematics, Dynamical Systems and Integrability,
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Nonlinear Phenomena, Optimisation, Fractional Calculus, and
Stochastic Modelling, Bayesian and Monte Carlo Methods, Biostatistics and Ecology, Data
Science, Finance and Risk Analysis, Nonparametric Statistics, and Stochastic Analysis.
The School’s research groups are interconnected, with frequent interactions between
groups and with other schools and faculties both within and outside UNSW.  

The Postdoctoral Fellow will undertake collaborative and self-directed research on an
ARC-funded Discovery Project.  The position is expected to contribute towards the
research effort of UNSW and to develop their research expertise through the pursuit of
defined projects relevant to algebra, algebraic geometry or arithmetic geometry.  

About the role 

 Level A - $100K - $107K plus 17% Superannuation and annual leave loading Fixed Term -
12 months Full-time (35 hours per week) 

The role of Postdoctoral Fellow reports to Associate Professor Daniel Chan and has no
direct reports.  

Specific responsibilities for this role include: 

Contribute independently or as a team member in collaborative research with a focus to
enhance the quality of research outcomes in the area of algebra, algebraic geometry or
arithmetic geometry.  
Conduct research (as per the norms of the discipline) and/or enable research teams to 
create scholarly output that is recognised by peers.  
Undertake specific research project/s under the guidance of a research leader and 
contribute to development of research activities.  
Support the dissemination of research outcomes through appropriate channels and outlets.
Undertake discipline-appropriate research activities, e.g.  surveys, literature 
reviews, data gathering and/or recording of results using appropriate research methods.
Collaborate on publications in internationally refereed journals; in leading 
mathematical journals.  Liaise with other co-investigators.  
Align with and actively demonstrate the UNSW Values in Action: Our Behaviours and the 
UNSW Code of Conduct.  
Cooperate with all health and safety policies and procedures of the university and take 
all reasonable care to ensure that your actions or omissions do not impact on the 
health and safety of yourself or others.  

About the successful applicant (Selection Criteria) 

To be successful in this role you will have: 

PhD in Mathematics completed or submitted in the field of algebra, algebraic geometry
or arithmetic geometry.  
Excellent oral and written communication skills.  
Proven, or demonstrated excellent potential for, an outstanding publication record. 
Demonstrated ability to work as part of a team.  
Demonstrated ability to work with minimal supervision.  
Demonstrated high level analytical and problem-solving skills.
Demonstrated capacity to deliver high quality project outcomes in a timely manner.
Understanding of equity and diversity principles. 
An understanding of and commitment to UNSW's aims, objectives and values in action, 
together with relevant policies and guidelines.  
Knowledge of health and safety responsibilities and commitment to attending relevant 
health and safety training.  

You should systematically address the selection criteria listed within the position
description in your application.  


Please apply online - applications will not be accepted if sent to the contact listed.  

Contact: Daniel Chan E: 

Applications close: September 13th, 2022

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