SMS scnews item created by Hannah Bryant at Mon 29 Apr 2024 1159
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 1 May 2024
Calendar1: 1 May 2024 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Online
CalTitle1: AGTW: Ian Sullivan (UC Davis) 'Kirby Belts and the Skein Lasagna Module of S2xS2'
Auth: (hbry8683) in SMS-SAML

Australian Geometric Topology Webinar: Sullivan -- Kirby Belts and the Skein Lasagna Module of S2xS2

On Wed 1 May at 12:00 PM AEST,  Ian Sullivan from UC Davis will be 
speaking on Kirby Belts and the Skein Lasagna Module of S2xS2, details below and on the 

A zoom link will be sent out around 10:00 am AEST on Wednesday.


Dionne, Dan, Joan, and Tillus

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Ian Sullivan (UC Davis)

Title: Kirby Belts and the Skein Lasagna Module of S2xS2

Abstract: The skein lasagna module of a chosen link homology theory is a new kind of 
smooth 4-manifold invariant capable of detecting exotic phenomena. In this talk, we 
define and investigate a certain homotopy colimit of a directed system of tangle 
complexes whose homology is the skein lasagna module for $\mathfrak{gl}_{2}$ 
Khovanov-Rozansky homology of S^2\times B^2 with geometrically essential links in the 
boundary. We then use this new computational technique to compute the skein lasagna 
module of S^2\times S^2, and to show that the skein lasagna module of S^2\times B^2 
recovers Khovanov homology for links in S^1\times S^2.

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