SMS scnews item created by Hannah Bryant at Wed 10 May 2023 1042
Type: Seminar
Modified: Wed 10 May 2023 1042
Distribution: World
Expiry: 18 May 2023
Calendar1: 18 May 2023 1300-1400
CalLoc1: Quad S249 & Online via Zoom
CalTitle1: One School Seminar - Ellis Patrick 'Viewing snapshots of the cellular landscape of diseased tissue through the lens of a statistician'
Auth: hannahb@ (hbry8683) in SMS-SAML

One School Seminar: Patrick -- Viewing snapshots of the cellular landscape of diseased tissue through the lens of a statistician

One School Seminar: 
"Viewing snapshots of the cellular landscape of diseased tissue through the lens of a 
Ellis Patrick (University of Sydney) 

Thursday 18 May, 1-2pm 
Quad S249 & online via Zoom -

Abstract: The human body comprises over 37 trillion cells with diverse forms and 
functions, which can exhibit dynamic changes based on their environmental context. 
Understanding the spatial interactions between cells and changes in their state within 
the tissue microenvironment is crucial to comprehending the development of human 
diseases. State-of-the-art technologies can now deeply phenotype cells in their native 
environment, providing a high-throughput means of identifying spatially related changes 
in their function. In this talk, I will illustrate how established statistical tools can 
be bent in novel ways to produce new perspectives of diseased tissue. By doing this I 
hope to motivate discussions on how these complex cellular systems could be quantified 
with unique, robust or mathematically rigorous approaches.


Join us afterwards for SMRI afternoon tea, held Thursdays 2:00-2:45pm on the SMRI
Terrace (weather permitting, otherwise held in the SMRI Common Room - A14-04-L4.37).

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