****REMINDER TO REGISTER - SEMINAR TOMORROW**** SMRI Algebra and Geometry Online 'Representation theory of exceptional Lie superalgebras' Shun-Jen Cheng(Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica) Thursday 6th May 3:30pm - 5:00pm (AEST) Online via Zoom - register here: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0uf--trjIpHtPDavxi66hT1liwvj8-swwi (Plus a live viewing in Quad S227 for University of Sydney students, staff & affiliates. Please email smri.admin@sydney.edu.au to RSVP. Also if you would like to join us for afternoon tea on the SMRI terrace at 3pm, prior to the live viewing.) Abstract: In the first half of the talk we shall introduce the notion of Lie superalgebras, and then give a quick outline of the classification of finite-dimensional complex simple Lie superalgebras. In the second part of the talk we shall discuss the representation theory of these Lie superalgebras and explain the irreducible character problem in the BGG category. Our main focus will be on our computation of the irreducible characters for two of the exceptional Lie superalgebras. This part is based on recent joint works with C.-W. Chen, L. Li, and W. Wang. Note: These seminars will be recorded (participants only when asking questions) and uploaded to the SMRI YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/SydneyMathematicalResearchInstituteSMRI