SMS scnews item created by Hannah Bryant at Fri 18 Jun 2021 1051
Type: Seminar
Modified: Fri 18 Jun 2021 1113; Mon 28 Jun 2021 0955; Mon 28 Jun 2021 1024
Distribution: World
Expiry: 30 Sep 2021
Calendar1: 1 Jul 2021 1530-1630
CalLoc1: TBA
CalTitle1: POSTPONED: SMRI-Applied Maths Seminar: Hajek 'Analytic solutions for nonlinear problems in biology'
Auth: hannahb@ (hbry8683) in SMS-SAML

POSTPONED - SMRI-Applied Maths Seminar: Hajek -- Analytic solutions for nonlinear problems in biology


SMRI-Applied Maths Seminar
'Analytic solutions for nonlinear problems in biology'
Bronwyn Hajek (University of South Australia)
Date: TBA

Abstract: Classical and nonclassical Lie point symmetry analysis are powerful techniques
that can sometimes be used to construct analytic solutions to nonlinear partial
differential equations.  In this talk, I'll outline both the classical and
nonclassical methods in some detail.  I'll then describe a number of problems from
math biology where the nonclassical symmetry technique has yielded useful analytic
solutions.  In particular, I’ll describe problems involving determining the minimum
size for a nature reserve, tumour modelling, calcium fertilisation waves on amphibian
eggs, and mammalian fertilisation waves.  I'll also talk briefly about compactly
supported analytic solutions.  

Biography: Bronwyn's research interests lie in developing and solving mathematical
models using nonlinear partial differential equations.  She is motivated by many areas
of application, including biological invasions, cell biology, viscous flow, and physical
chemistry.  She has a particular focus on the use of Lie symmetry techniques to
construct analytic solutions of nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations.  

Notes This seminar will be recorded (participants only when asking questions) and
uploaded to the SMRI YouTube Channel

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