SMS scnews item created by Hannah Bryant at Wed 22 Jan 2020 1702
Type: Seminar
Modified: Fri 24 Jan 2020 0918
Distribution: World
Expiry: 30 Jan 2020
Calendar1: 30 Jan 2020 1605-1655
CalLoc1: Quad S204 (Oriental Room)
CalTitle1: SMRI Colloquium: In Praise of Small Data: Statistical and Data Science
Auth: hannahb@ (hbry8683) in SMS-LDAP

SMRI Colloquium: Reid -- In Praise of Small Data: Statistical and Data Science

To start the year's SMRI talks we are very fortunate to have Nancy Reid OC FRS FRSC,
who is visiting SMRI through the International Visitor Program.  She has kindly agreed
to repeat the general-audience colloquium talk which she recently delivered as the
Josiah Willard Gibbs Lecture at the 2020 AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings in Denver.
I urge all School members who are in Sydney to take this opportunity to hear from one of
the world's leading theoretical statisticians 

- Anthony 


Title: In Praise of Small Data: Statistical and Data Science 

Speaker: Nancy Reid (University of Toronto) 

Date and Time: Thursday 30th January 2020, 1605-1655

Location: Quad Oriental Room S204 

Abstract: Statistical science has a 200-year history of advances in theory and
application.  Data science is a relatively newly defined area of enquiry developing from
the explosion in the ubiquitous collection of data.  The interplay between these fields,
and their interactions with science, are a topic of lively discussion among
statisticians.  This talk will overview some of the current research in statistical
science that is motivated by new developments in data science.  

Bio: Nancy Reid is University Professor and Canada Research Chair in Statistical Theory
and Applications at the University of Toronto.  Her research interests include
statistical theory, likelihood inference, design of studies, and statistical science in
public policy.  She has held many professional leadership roles in statistical science,
in Canada and abroad.  Her main research contributions have been to the field of
theoretical statistics.  The goal is to use information from noisy data as efficiently
and elegantly as possible, and to elucidate general principles for doing so, in order to
provide structures for developing new statistical methods in new areas of application.
Professor Reid is a Fellow of the Royal Society, the Royal Society of Canada, the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a Foreign Associate of the
National Academy of Sciences.  In 2014 she was appointed Officer of the Order of


The venue for the talk is the Oriental Room on the ground floor of the main quadrangle,
directly off the Ground Floor 'Left Lobby' (the front entrance closest to Fisher

If you can, please join us at SMRI before the talk for the regular weekly afternoon tea
at 3pm.

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