SMRI Seminar: 'Nonstatistical Learning Theory: the View from Optimal Recovery' Simon Foucart (Texas A&M University) Thursday 2nd March 1:00-2:00 PM Quad S249 & online via Zoom (Join: Abstract: For a function observed through point evaluations, is there an optimal way to recover it or merely to estimate a dependent quantity? I will give affirmative answers to variations of this data-focused question, especially under the assumption that the function belongs to a model set defined by approximation capabilities. In fact, I will uncover computationally implementable linear recovery maps that are optimal in the worst-case setting. I will present some recent and ongoing works extending the theory in several directions, with particular emphasis put on observations that are inexact---adversarially or randomly. Please note that this seminar will not be recorded. ---- Join us afterwards on the SMRI Terrace for afternoon tea (2:00-2:45pm, weekly). ---- Upcoming SMRI events can be found here: SMRI YouTube Channel: