***REMINDER TO REGISTER - SEMINAR TODAY*** ***ON CAMPUS LOCATION UPDATED - QUAD S225*** SMRI Seminar: 'Base change and representation growth of arithmetic groups' Uri Onn (Australian National University) When: Thursday Jun 3, 2021 03:30 PM-4:30 PM (AEST) **UPDATED**Where: Quad S225 (University of Sydney staff, students & affiliates only) & Via Zoom Register Here: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUodO6srTIoGNUInl06dFreSzDSDimsyJGW Abstract: A group is said to have polynomial representation growth if the sequence enumerating the isomorphism classes of finite dimensional irreducible representations according to their dimension is polynomially bounded. The representation zeta function of such group is the associated Dirichlet generating series. In this talk I will focus on representation zeta functions of arithmetic groups and their properties. I will explain the ideas behind a proof of a variant of the Larsen-Lubotzky conjecture on the representation growth of arithmetic lattices in high rank semisimple Lie groups (joint with Nir Avni, Benjamin Klopsch and Christopher Voll) and analogous results for arithmetic groups of type A_2 in positive characteristic (joint with Amritanshu Prasad and Pooja Singla). Biography: Uri Onn is an A/Prof working at the Mathematical Science Institute at the ANU. He graduated from the Technion (Haifa) and continued to postdoctoral positions in Amsterdam, Paris, Mumbai and Jerusalem. He then became a faculty member at Ben-Gurion University until 2017 when he moved to the Australian National University. He takes keen interest in math and jazz. Note: This seminar will be recorded (participants only when asking questions) and uploaded to the SMRI YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/SydneyMathematicalResearchInstituteSMRI (University of Sydney staff, students & affiliates only are also invited to join us for afternoon tea on the SMRI terrace at 3pm, prior to the seminar held in person in Quad 225 - please note in your registration or email smri.admin@sydney.edu.au to RSVP)