SMS scnews item created by Kate Ippaviz at Wed 23 Oct 2019 1359
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 30 Oct 2019
Calendar1: 29 Oct 2019 1600-1800
CalLoc1: Carslaw Lecture theatre 273
Auth: (kridler) in SMS-LDAP

SMRI seminar: Professor William Casselman (University of British Columbia) -- Remarks on the origin of Langlands' conjectures

SMRI seminar by Professor William Casselman (University of British Columbia) 

Title: Remarks on the origin of Langlands' conjectures 

Abstract: This will be largely an historical talk, attempting to explain what led
Langlands to arrive at his conjectures in 1967, and what his unique contributions to the
subject of automorphic forms at this time were.  

Date & time: Tuesday 29th October 2019, 4-6pm 

Location: Carslaw Lecture theatre 273, F07

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