SMS scnews item created by Kevin Coulembier at Tue 9 May 2017 1555
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 4 Jul 2017
Calendar1: 26 May 2017 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Carslaw 375
CalTitle1: Algebra Seminar: q-Schur algebras and integral quantum affine gl(n)
Auth: kevinc@pkevinc.pc (assumed)

Algebra Seminar: Du -- q-Schur algebras and integral quantum affine gl(n)

Jie Du (University of New South Wales) 

Friday 26 May, 12-1pm, Place: Carslaw 375 

Title: q-Schur algebras and integral quantum affine gl(n) 

Abstract: Drinfeld's new realisation of the quantum loop algebra of gl_n does not
offer naturally a Lusztig type form.  We will show in this talk how affine q-Schur
algebras and the Ringel-Hall algebras of cyclic quivers are used to reconstruct this
quantum affine gl_n.  In particular, we will show that the integral structures of both
q-Schur algebras and Hall algebras give rise naturally to a Lusztig form for the quantum
group.  Further applications to the integral modified quantum groups and their canonical
bases will also be discussed.  

This is joint work with Qiang Fu (and partially with Zhonghua Zhao).

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