SMS scnews item created by Kevin Coulembier at Fri 17 Feb 2017 2349
Type: Seminar
Modified: Sun 19 Feb 2017 0146
Distribution: World
Expiry: 31 Mar 2017
Calendar1: 24 Feb 2017 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Carslaw 454
CalTitle1: PBW bases and KLR algebras
Auth: (kcou7211) in SMS-WASM

Algebra Seminar: Tingley -- PBW bases and KLR algebras

Peter Tingley (Loyola University of Chicago) 

Friday 24 February, 12-1pm, Place: Carslaw 454

Title: PBW bases and KLR algebras.  

Abstract: Lusztig's canonical basis is a fairly miraculous object that, among other
things, gives a chosen basis for every finite dimensional irreducible representation of
a simple Lie algebra over C.  Lusztig's earliest construction made use of his PBW bases,
which are less canonical bases of the same space.  KLR algebras, which are much more
recent, give a very natural way to understand this same canonical basis (in type ADE).
Unsurprisingly, there is a close connection between these two approaches.  I will
discuss this connection, along with various implications.  This includes joint work with
Ben Webster and with Peter J.  McNamara.

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