SMS scnews item created by Lachlan Smith at Mon 29 Jun 2020 1248
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 24 Aug 2020
Calendar1: 3 Jul 2020 1600-1700
CalLoc1: Zoom
CalTitle1: Sydney Dynamics Group: Davide Ravotti -- Quantitative global-local mixing for accessible skew products
Auth: (lsmi9789) in SMS-WASM

Sydney Dynamics Group: Ravotti -- Quantitative global-local mixing for accessible skew products

Dear all, 

This week, Friday July 3, Davide Ravotti (Monash University) will give a talk at 4pm
(Sydney time) via Zoom.  

Zoom link: 

Meeting ID: 912 4662 5911 

Title: Quantitative global-local mixing for accessible skew products 

Skew products, or group extensions, over hyperbolic diffeomorphisms are important
examples of partially hyperbolic systems.  Dolgopyat showed that generic compact
extensions of topologically mixing Axiom A diffeomorphisms are rapidly mixing, namely
the decay of correlations of smooth observables is faster than any given polynomial.  

In this talk, we will consider the case of $\mathbb{R}$-extensions.  We will focus on
global-local mixing, one of the possible notions of mixing for infinite measure
preserving systems.  We will present a quantitative mixing result for skew products
which satisfy an accessibility condition; in particular, we will relate the rate of
decay of correlations to the ''low frequency behaviour'' of the spectral measure
associated to our global observables.  

This is a joint work with Paolo Giulietti and Andy Hammerlindl.  

Past talks can be found on the YouTube channel: 

I hope to see you all online.  


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