SMS scnews item created by Lamiae Azizi at Mon 23 Jan 2017 1417
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 3 Feb 2017
Calendar1: 31 Jan 2017 0900-1600
Auth: lamiae@plamiae.pc (assumed)

Network of Mind workshop

The Network of Mind workshop is a four day interdisciplinary workshop on recent advances
in theoretical and experimental Neuroscience held in Sydney from the 31 Jan - 3Feb.
Please come along to hear a number of interesting talks given by a number of prominent
national and international researchers from different disciplines (Mathematics,
Statistics, Physics, Neuroscience...), and please promote it to your friends and
colleagues outside the School.  Registration is free but essential for catering



Date: From Tuesday January 31 - Friday February 3, 2017 

Time: 9am-4pm 

Venue: Eastern Avenue Lecture Theatre 315 

Title: Network of Mind workshop 


Giant leaps are being made towards unravelling the intricacies of the human mind.
Memory, perception, how we make decisions, and the understanding of mental illness:
they're each governed by neurons and electric signals.  Understanding the brain's inner
workings is one of the great challenges in biomedical research today.  Data is rapidly
accumulating and the main challenge is to utilize these data to understand the
interconnection and the malfunctioning of brain networks that underlie various mental
illness.  Theory, simulation, modelling, and statistics will all be essential to
transform such data into a better understanding of our brain.  This 4 day-Symposium
program is built around talks given by a number of prominent national and international
researchers from different disciplines (Mathematics, Statistics, Physics,
Neuroscience...)  on the recent advances in theoretical and experimental Neuroscience.
The workshop aims to develop collaborative mathematical, statistical and computational
methodological capacity that will address the various underlying methodological,
theoretical, and computational challenges in order to meet a critical need in brain
research.  In addition, there will be discussion sessions which would allow the
participants to define common challenges and facilitate cross-disciplinary
collaborations plans to tackle them.  

Network of Mind website and registration page for this event:

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