SMS scnews item created by Sheehan Olver at Mon 2 Jun 2014 1145
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 5 Jun 2014
Calendar1: 4 Jun 2014
Auth: olver@p624.pc (assumed)

Applied Maths Seminar: Lobb -- Initial value space of discrete Painlevé equations

Dear Everyone, 

The last Applied Maths seminar of the semester is this week, as usual in the Access Grid
Room at 2pm on Wednesday.  The speaker is Sarah Lobb, from our very own U.  Sydney.  The
title and abstract appears below.  

Please meet at Carslaw level 6 lifts at 12.30pm to go to lunch with the speaker.  

Kind regards, 

Sheehan Olver 

Title: Initial value space of discrete Painlevé equations 

Abstract: In order to study solutions of discrete integrable systems, it helps to have a
geometric understanding of the space of initial values.  We'll see how to construct this
space for a simple example, to illustrate the dynamics and find approximate solutions
near singularities.

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