SMS scnews item created by Sandra Britton at Thu 12 Aug 2010 1159
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 27 Aug 2010
Calendar1: 27 Aug 2010 1000-1100
CalLoc1: Carslaw 373

SUTMEG Seminar: Thompson -- How to write good multiple choice questions

Date and time: Friday 27 August at 10 am in Carslaw 373

In this presentation we will look at many of the recommendations in 
the literature (and Board of Studies' guidelines) for writing multiple 
choice questions with an emphasis on those with a mathematics context. 
We will then spend some time looking at the measurement characteristics 
of multiple choice questions, and how they may inform question writing.
If time permits, we will spend a few minutes on 'objective response 
items' other than traditional multiple choice questions. 

About the speaker:
Chris Thompson is Head of the Measurement Support Unit (formerly
the Assessment Unit) at the Office of the NSW Board of Studies, 
and  has been involved in the development of HSC examinations
over many years. The Measurement Support Unit provides advice 
on assessment-related issues to the Board of Studies and its 
examination committees and marking  operations.

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