SMS scnews item created by Sean Gardiner at Wed 21 May 2014 1400
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 23 May 2014
Calendar1: 22 May 2014 1300-1400
CalLoc1: New Law 024

SUMS: Chang, Gardiner, Ge, Poladian, Wang -- Lightning Talks

This Thursday, SUMS is holding a "lightning talks" event - five different speakers
giving five short talks of about five minutes each.  

Talk titles: 
Islanders' Eye Colours - Merlin Ge 
Knot Knitting - Kitty Chang 
Mafiamatics - Sean Gardiner 
The Soap Drama Problem - Kevin Wang 
Why Pi is Not 22/7 and Other Facts - Leon Poladian

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