SMS scnews item created by Sean Gardiner at Tue 18 Aug 2015 1722
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 21 Aug 2015
Calendar1: 20 Aug 2015 1300-1400
CalLoc1: New Law 026
Auth: (sgar9702) in SMS-WASM

SUMS: Wang -- Australia won the Ashes, statistically

This week's SUMS talk is by Honours student Kevin Wang. Pizza and drinks are as always 
available after the talk. 


Principal Component Analysis, or PCA, is a standard statistical technique that aims to 
reduce the high dimensionality of data into something more manageable and 
interpretable. This is particularly useful in cricket datasets, because there is always 
some interesting interplay between summary statistics like number of runs, the average, 
and the strike rate. 

The second aspect of this talk deals with how bias of an analyst can manipulate these 
situations and make the results stack in his/her favour. For example, by choosing to 
perform the analysis in certain ways, we can predict Australia will win the 2015 Ashes.

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