SMS scnews item created by Ulrich Thiel at Fri 14 Sep 2018 0840
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 26 Oct 2018
Calendar1: 21 Sep 2018 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Carslaw 375
CalTitle1: Przezdziecki -- Affine Lie algebras and rational Cherednik algebras via the Suzuki functor
Auth: thiel@p526m.pc (assumed)

Algebra Seminar: Przezdziecki -- Affine Lie algebras and rational Cherednik algebras via the Suzuki functor

Tomasz Przezdziecki (University of Glasgow/MPI Bonn) 

Friday 21 September, 12-1pm, Place: Carslaw 375 

Title: Affine Lie algebras and rational Cherednik algebras via the Suzuki functor 

The Suzuki functor connects the representation theory of the affine Lie algebra to the
representation theory of the rational Cherednik algebra in type A.  In this talk we
generalize Suzuki's original construction to the critical level case.  One of the main
reasons why the critical level is special is the fact that the corresponding category of
smooth modules has a large centre.  We study how the Suzuki functor relates it to the
centre of the rational Cherednik algebra at t=0.  We also interpret our results
geometrically, linking the Calogero-Moser space with opers on the punctured disc.

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