SMS scnews item created by Wenqi Yue at Mon 2 Sep 2019 1044
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 3 Mar 2020
Calendar1: 2 Sep 2019 1700-1800
CalLoc1: Carslaw 535A
CalTitle1: A Brief Introduction to Gauges

MaPSS: Maths Postgraduate Seminar Series: Vishnu Mangalath -- A Brief Introduction to Gauges

Hello all, 

The next MaPSS talk of this semester will be at 17:00 on Mon 2nd of September in Carslaw
535.  It's a great opportunity to meet fellow postgrads, listen to an interesting talk,
and of course get some free pizza! 


Speaker: Vishnu Mangalath 

Title: A Brief Introduction to Gauges 

Abstract: In this talk I will explain the concept of a "gauge".  Gauges, while being
mostly used in theoretical physics, are no more than a choice of local "coordinate
system" which varies according to some base space.  After presenting some basic
definitions, I will work through several examples of gauge freedom, and time permitting
give an application of gauge transformations in a differential geometric setting.
Knowledge of basic undergraduate algebra and differential geometry/topology will be
helpful but not required.  


See you there! 

Details can also be found on the school's Postgraduate Society website: 


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