SMS scnews item created by Wenqi Yue at Fri 28 Feb 2020 1739
Type: Seminar
Distribution: World
Expiry: 29 Aug 2020
Calendar1: 2 Mar 2020 1700-1800
CalLoc1: Carslaw 535A
CalTitle1: Inverse Problems on Riemann Surfaces

MaPSS: Maths Postgraduate Seminar Series: Yilin Ma -- Inverse Problems on Riemann Surfaces

Hello all, 

Welcome to the new semester! 

The first MaPSS talk of this semester will be at 17:00 on Mon 2nd of March in Carslaw
535.  It's a great opportunity to meet fellow postgrads, listen to an interesting talk,
and of course get some free pizza! 


Speaker: Yilin Ma 

Title: Inverse Problems on Riemann Surfaces 

Abstract: We will introduce some basic notions of the Calderon problems and in
particular their formulations on Riemann surfaces. Amongst all geometric settings for
such problems, results on Riemann surfaces have been most satisfying. We will describe
state of the art techniques in solving such problems, which involves existence theory
for holomorphic Morse functions with real boundary conditions. Using this result and by
proving a class of Carleman estimates, we will construct complex geometric optic
solutions which can be used to solve the Calderon problems in two dimensions. If
time permits, we will also look at inverse problems in higher dimensions, and briefly
discuss why the same technique have limitations on general Riemannian manifolds.  


See you there! 

Details can also be found on the school's Postgraduate Society website: 

Cheers, Wenqi

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