SMS scnews item created by Zhou Zhang at Fri 1 Jul 2011 1148
Type: Seminar
Modified: Mon 11 Jul 2011 1540
Distribution: World
Expiry: 15 Jul 2011
Calendar1: 14 Jul 2011 1330-1430
CalLoc1: Carslaw 707A
CalTitle1: Differential Geometry Seminar: Yi Ni (from Caltech) -- Cosmetic Surgeries on Knots in $S^3$

Differential Geometry Seminar: Yi Ni (from Caltech) -- Cosmetic Surgeries on Knots in \(S^3\)

Time: July, 14th, 1:30-2:30PM 

Room: Carslaw, 707A 

Speaker: Yi Ni (Assistant Professor at California Institute of Technology) 

Speaker's Homepage: 

Title of talk: Cosmetic Surgeries on Knots in $S^3$ 

Abstract: Two Dehn surgeries on a knot are called purely cosmetic, if they yield
manifolds that are homeomorphic as oriented manifolds.  I will talk about necessary
conditions for the existence of purely cosmetic surgeries on knots in $S^3$.  In
particular, the two surgery slopes must be the opposite of each other.  The proof uses a
surgery formula for the correction terms in Heegaard Floer homology.  This is joint work
with Zhongtao Wu.

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